Sunday, June 20, 2010

Beach day

Didn't realised today is the first day in 2010 that I've been at the beach with Tee. We must have been too busy and caught in city life to wind off at the beach.

Great day there at ECP with friends.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This week, we went to recee some possible wedding locations.. Probably one of those "dream-fantasy" kind. 

Found this place called "Gardenasia", it's a really nice place based on the pictures. I love it. The person liaising with me was very friendly. 

It's in Kranji. Super FAR!! We had to take a shuttlebus to get into the place. It's near places like Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve. 

As I stepped into the showroom, I really love the decorations.

The place is a landscaping company, with BIG spaces for a nice garden wedding. Love everything about it. But the price was way too exorbitant.

So our best choice with respect to our huge guest list, was to have the wedding in PLMC. =)

Pictures of the place: Gardenasia.